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Biblioteka Studijske grupe

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Knjige ovdje popisane nalaze se u biblioteci Studijske grupe i otvorene su za posudnu zainteresiranim suradnicima. Također, kako i dalje nastavljamo nabavljati naslove relevantne za naš projekt, svaka sugestija o knjigama koje bi trebalo nabaviti dobrodošla je. Prijedloge molimo slati na našu kontakt e-mail adresu email.jpg (3016 bytes) 

Novo nabavljene knjige - svibanj 2010!



Izdavač i godina

Ivan Kešina Znanost-vjera-etika Crkva u svijetu, Split 2005.
Dominique Lambert Znanost i teologija - oblici dijaloga Kršćanska sadašnjost, 2003.
Keith Ward Zašto gotovo sigurno ima Boga Kršćanska sadašnjost, 2010.
Terry Eagleton Razum, vjera i revolucija Ljevak, 2010.

Papinsko vijeće za pravdu i mir

Socijalna agenda. Zbornik mjerodavnih tekstova.

Socijalna akademija, 2004.

Ayala, Francisco J. Darwin and Intelligent Design Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2006.

Barbour, Ian G.

Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues

Harper, San Francisco, 1997.

(prerađeno i prošireno izdanje djela Religion in an Age of Science)

Barbour, Ian G.

When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Stranger, or Partners?

Harper, San Francisco, 2000.

Barrow, John D. i Frank J. Tipler

The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986.

Brooke, John Hendry

Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991.

Clayton, Philip i Zachary Simpson (ur.)

The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.

Davies, Paul

God and the New Physics

Simon & Schuster, reprint edition, 1984.

Dawkins, Richard

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design

W. W. Norton, New York, 1996.

Ferguson, Kitty

The Fire in the Equations: Science, Religion, and the Search for God

Templeton Foundation Press, Philadelphia, 2004.

Giberson, Karl

Worlds Apart: The Unholy War Between Religion and Science

Beacon Hill Press, 1993.

Gingerich, Owen

God’s Universe

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA., 2006.

Gould, Stephen Jay

The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister’s Pox: Mending the Gap Between Science and the Humanities

Random House, New York, 2003.

Grant, Edward

Science & Religion, 400 BC – AD 1550: From Aristotle to Copernicus

Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2004.

Ivan Pavao II.

Fides et ratio (Vjera i razum)

Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb, 2004.

McGrath, Alister

Science & Religion: An Introduction

Blackwell, Oxford, 1999.

McGrath, Alister

The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World

Galilee, Doubleday, New York, 2006.

O’Leary, Don

Roman Catholicism and Modern Science: A History

Continuum, New York, 2006.

Olson, Richard G.

Science & Religion, 1450-1900: From Copernicus to Darwin

Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2004.

Polkinghorne, John

Science & Theology: An Introduction

Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1998.

Polkinghorne, John

Exploring Reality: The Intertwining of Science and Religion

Yale University Press, 2006.

Russell, Robert John, William R. Stoeger, S.J. i Francisco J. Ayala (ur.)

Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action

Vatican Observatory Publications, Vatican i Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, 1998.

Russell, Robert John, Nancey Murphy i C. J. Isham (ur.)

Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action

Vatican Observatory Publications, Vatican i Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, 1999. (2. izdanje)

Russell, Robert John, Philip Clayton, Kirk Wegter-McNelly i John Polkinghorne

Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action

Vatican Observatory Publications, Vatican i Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, 2001.

Southgate, Christopher (ur.)

God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Companion to the Science-Religion Debate

T&T Clark International, London, 2005.

(2. prerađeno i prošireno izdanje)

Watts, Fraser i Kevin Dutton (ur.)

Why the Science and Religion Dialogue Matters: Voices from the International Society for Science and Religion

Templeton Foundation Press, Philadelphia, 2006.


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