Marijan Šunjić
Social aspects of the science - religion dialogue in post-totalitarian
Metanexus Institute's 6th Annual Conference of the Local
Societies Initiative "Transdisciplinarity and the Unity of Knowledge: Beyond the
Science and Religion Dialogue" 
Philadelphia, SAD, 2-6.06.2007.
When organizing a discussion on the science-religion
dialogue one usually starts with the two basic questions: "Why?" and
"How?". The initial motivation is always deeply personal, but one immediately
realizes the necessity to include wider social aspects of the problem, due to the fact
that both science and religion are intrinsically connected with the development of our
Western civilization. They had and still have deep impact on the conditions in our
societies, and vice versa, these conditions strongly influence their relationship. The
answers to the original questions should therefore consider both the universal and the
situation specific parts, though they are often related. Without taking into account the
latter aspect one could not understand the roots of possible conflicts and even less be
able to find ways for their resolution. This general statement becomes especially relevant
in times of great social upheavals and changes, as is the case today after the collapse of
communism in some countries of Central and Eastern Europe and their attempted transition
to democracy. All totalitarian regimes of the 20th century in Europe were strongly
influenced by the scientistic ideas and used them as the ideological tool (together with
the brute force) to persecute religion and religious segments of the population,
particularly intellectuals, who were thus eliminated from public life and their natural
role in the society. The quest for absolute power, typical of the totalitarian regimes,
also included destruction and/or total control and manipulation of all institutions,
including academic, cultural and even religious ones, thus preventing their normal
functioning in a civil society which includes the tolerant and argumentative discussion
including the science-religion dialogue. In this paper, as part of the answer to the
"How?" question, we want to illustrate some of the consequences of this
totalitarian period which make this dialogue different and more complex than in other
social situations. In particular this refers to the change in the mentality and attitudes
resulting from ideological pressures in education, media, including systematic
brainwashing of the population, suppression of information and sheer terror. Destruction
of the institutions, mentioned above, as well as the continuing but disguised pressures
from the old power centers ("nomenklatura") should also be considered. We also
want to amplify the answer to the "Why?" question by emphasizing the special
need for the science-religion dialogue in post-totalitarian societies, as part of the
process that would contribute to the establishment of a more tolerant intellectual (and
also political) atmosphere in the society. Elimination of the ideologically induced
prejudices would lead specifically to the rehabilitation of the religious segment of the
population who should thus acquire their proper role in the society.