Marijan Šunjić
Modern physics
and transdisciplinarity
International congress Transdisciplinary approaches
of the dialogue between science, art and religion in the Europe of tomorrow 
Sibiu, Romania,
- 11 September 2007
of Sibiu
of Theology "Andrei Saguna", Sibiu
Great advances of classical physics in the 19th century,
with its deterministic character, seemed to announce the triumph of the « ; scientific
method» ; , which promised to solve all important questions regarding nature and
humanity, thus arrogantly claiming all other human achievements, including arts and
humanities, and especially religion to be irrelevant. This gave support to materialist and
positivist tendencies in philosophy, as well as to extreme scientism. However, several
surprising developments in the 20th century, including quantum physics and relativity,
soon revolutionized physics. With their intrinsic nonlocality and indeterminism, they
shattered and changed not only the preconcieved ideas about the scientific research, but
also modified the conceptual framework of our approach to reality. Many of the previously
accepted dogmas were reconsidered, like the (inductive) « ; scientific method» ; ,
creation of hypotheses and their verification, subject-object interference, realism of
physical theories, the use of ordinary language in science, reductionist programme had to
be extended to include complexity and emergence, etc. Suddenly the arrogance of the 19th
century science disappeared, giving way to more tolerant attitudes. It became obvious that
our knowledge based on scientific research was essentialy limited, and this convinced
(some) physicists that other modes of acquiring knowledge were not only acceptable but
even necessary. This included other scientific disciplines, humanities, philosophy, but
also religious experience in many forms, and especially ethics in research itself but even
more in its technological applications. In this paper I discuss these developments in
modern physics which opened the way to transdisciplinarity, but also the problems in
establishing this dialogue which arise from the present specialization and fragmentation
of science.